Postnatal Packages
Bespoke Packages available
Packages based on;
£32 p.h for ad hoc support, but I offer a range of packages to keep things economical.
A minimum of 3 hours per session, mostly mornings, but afternoons available on request
Virtual support is available on request
I offer gift vouchers for postnatal massage, doorstep deliveries as well as doula support. Doula UK also offer an Access Fund, as well as a voucher scheme.
If finances are tight, please do not hesitate to get in touch for a conversation.
Extra Add Ons
Pre Baby
Postnatal planning
* A time to work through specific areas of postpartum recovery
* Plan your ideal fourth trimester
* Discuss the best ways I can support you and your family
Pre Baby
* Batch cooking in your home
* Stocking the freezer
* Familiarising myself with home, family, pets etc
Weaning Batch Cooking
* Stocking the freezer
* Batch cooking in your home
* Homemade weaning recipes & snacks for baby six months plus
Batch Cooking
for family
4hrs TOTAL
*Box containing homemade
* Meals, oven & freezer friendly
*All recipes designed to optimise healing, for the hours post birth & return from hospital
Massage & Creative Healing
£280 for x3
1.5-2hr each
* Creative Healing gentle touch techniques
* Start sitting up back treatment, moving onto floor based
*pelvic lifting,
*heart opening treatment
*kidney and spleen detoxification
*Binding & rocking the hips with a rebozo,
* Helps regain strength
* Closes hip area, preventing pelvic instability, *stimulates
immune system
* encourages organs to their normal position.
* Stimulates blood flow
* Deeply nurturing
Check In Service
£350 for x6
* Specific questions/prompts at key developmental stages; 2,4,6,8,12,16 & 20 weeks
* Focus on areas such as;
* emotional, mental health * physical recovery* self care
* practical support
* bonding / calming baby *hormone & brain development
* sleep *feeding
* rhythms & routines
Video Testimonials
Georgie & Baby Uma
“So grateful for Sam's massages. Thoughtful readings & poems made it so gentle, unique & absolute nurturing for the soul"
Lia & baby Misty
"The check in service was the first time I acknowledged how important it was to nurture myself and celebrate all the big & little milestones. The more I nurtured myself, the happier and stronger I felt"
Tina & baby Teddy
“Sam's breastfeeding support through mastitis has been so helpful, bringing tools to help inflammation and utilising her network to bring in lactation consultant advice.”
Emma & baby Lottie
“Sam has been such a support second time around with latch, positioning & troubleshooting various challenges, signposting to other helpful resources. I have loved the extra bonding the breastfeeding meditations have brought”